The Importance of Infrastructure in V2X Innovation

Connected mobility is the future of smart,
safe city driving

In an era of smart everything – smartphones, smart homes, smart cities and more, it has become abundantly clear that the smart technologies transmitting critical information through the air must be grounded in innovative infrastructure if they are to be safe and successful. This is especially true in the case of smart mobility, where the latest advances provide exciting solutions that simultaneously enable drivers to be more aware of their surroundings and less involved in the actual mechanics of the driving experience, for more seamless and secure jaunts in their favorite vehicles.

With 1.35 million people killed every year globally as a result of crashes and other road incidents, affecting up to 3% of countries’ GDP, there is a need for a technological solution that benefits drivers on the road. V2X communication answers these criteria, spot-on.

Smart infrastructure is critical to
smart mobility success

Vehicle-to-everything, or V2X communication includes the passing of critical information between any vehicle and any entity that may affect its smooth traveling, and vice versa. For example, V2X communication enables drivers to learn information that traffic regulations or conditions are about to change up ahead, become aware of data on adjacent traveling vehicle proximity, automatically pay tolls, parking and other fees and much, much more.

As such, V2X communication involves not one, but rather multiple technological innovations, including vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) components, both wirelessly enabled and bi-directionally accessible. These components work together to provide 360-degree situational awareness of the road, everyone on it, and the environment it traverses. One particularly exciting element of V2V infrastructure is referred to as Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC).

 The benefits of V2X infrastructure are clear

Driven by several factors, such as the growing demand for connectivity features in cars and vehicle diagnostics information, the infrastructure used for V2X communication captures, mines, analyzes and shares tremendous amounts of rich and time-sensitive information that can be used to enable great safety, mobility, and environmental benefits. It can also be referred to as Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC).

 When compared to camera and LiDAR sensors, V2X sensors are the only infrastructure elements that remain unaffected and uninfluenced by weather conditions, enabling them to offer greater range, around and through corner and object viewing capabilities, and the ability to generate and share real-time driving information and predictive insights with municipalities and drivers – in snow, sleet, rain heat, in gloom of night, as well as in the presence of harsh sunbeams. V2X infrastructure is, therefore, ideally positioned to help prevent collisions and other mobility-related incidents – saving lives, time spent in traffic, excess gasoline emissions and money for cities and their citizens.

Roadsense is leading V2X innovation

The V2X market is currently booming, with significant growth being witnessed across the globe, particularly in the Asia-Pacific and western markets. One new start-up leading this innovative industry is Roadsense, a member of Highroad’s accelerator program, that has developed a new approach to enhance traffic safety and upgrade any road to smart road OVERNIGHT.

 Roadsense’s unique system includes the integration of smart sensors on the road, SaaS within customer vehicles and cloud computing connecting it all, to create a responsive system capable of collecting and transferring data in any and every weather condition and building a clear picture of hazards and alerts that enhances safety on the road. With Roadsense, Mesh and V2X technologies will know how to directly connect to all vehicle types – and vehicles will be able to better learn from and communicate with one another,using DSRC and CV2X protocols, enhancing traffic safety, helping to reduce car accidents, and keeping smart cities and their travelers ever in-the-know, whenever they’re on-the-go.

 Roadsense is the cost-effective and easily deployable V2X infrastructure solution poised to significantly contribute to road safety, connect to future cars and serve as a supportive environment for autonomous vehicles for safety and infotainment.

Bottom line

Connectivity continues to grow in importance across the dynamically growing and changing modern mobility landscape, with infrastructure playing a critical role. Roadsense, an innovative Highroad accelerator member, is leading the V2X infrastructure revolution and enabling informational awareness and safety on the road, with its unique DSRC system.

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